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Methodist Church in Mozambique supporting sustainable agricultural development and clean water provision in rural areas.

April 8, 2024

Methodist Church in Mozambique supporting sustainable agricultural development and clean water provision in rural areas.

As part of a joint visit with the Mission Department of the Methodist Church in Southern Africa, it was inspiring to spend Sunday attending church and visiting projects in a remote rural community in ‘Gaza Province’ of southern Mozambique, with the Bishop of Mozambique, the Rev. Maria Macumba. (The Methodist Church in Mozambique is a District of the Methodist Church in Southern Africa).

As in so many rural communities in Africa, locals are doing their utmost in the face of many challenges to provide basic needs for their community – including clean water for village households and crops, improved agricultural yields for income generation and development purposes, and better education provision for the young majority.

We received a warm welcome at the Sunday service in the village of Chitlango in the Macia Circuit, and then visited the village school, an extensive agricultural project, a water well, solar water pump and water storage and distribution facility for local homes, all of which have been provided by the Methodist Church in Southern Africa. During Covid, the MCSA made water available for the community by having a borehole drilled that supplies water to the households in the village. For the first time ever, local homes have taps and running water in their homes or yards.

Sharing lunch provided by the villagers, it was moving to hear that the Church was established by two local Christians at the start of the 20th Century and that the Church and school was further developed by a British Methodist missionary who lived amongst the people for 30 years. The heritage of those who sought to improve living conditions for local people in years gone by is remembered with much appreciation and today the local Methodist Church continues that legacy.

A leader of the local government attended the service and spoke about the vital importance of the Church’s work for the well-being and development of local communities.

With support from Capacity Building Funds from the World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Britain, the Methodist Church in Southern Africa hopes to supply two more water tanks to enable clean water provision to more local village homes and further develop the impressive agricultural food security project, so that it can provide ongoing sustainable income generation. This will further improve water, agricultural and education provision in the area, and support the work of the Methodist Church in Mozambique.

It is encouraging and humbling to see the efforts that are being made in the face of great challenges.

Andrew Ashdown.

Partnership Coordinator for Africa.

Global Relationships Team.

Methodist Church in Britain.

8 April 2024

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