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Proud to be a Methodist

September 6, 2012

I met Michelle yesterday. She is 22 years old and a member of the Methodist Church in Mellier, Haiti. Her family home was completely destroyed in the 2010 earthquake.Yesterday we visited the comunity where the United Methodist Church, with whom the Methodist Church in Britain and the United Church of Canada have been in partnership to bring relief and hope and rebuild homes, churches and schools.

Yesterday after we had attended a formal key handing over ceremony, she invited me to go with her to her home by the “big tree” With words echoing in my head about NOT going off from your party into a  place where you would not be seen by the rest of the party I set of. At the ceremony we had heard from a fellow Hatien how he had been disapointed by the difference between what had been promised and what had been delivered when his home had been handed over.

Michelle wanted me to see her home and so I did – it was just a few minutes away. First she showed me what remained of her former home, part of the site that had been cleared of rubble. Then she showed me a 12 x 12 foot semi tempirary shelter that had been built by the International Red Cross, the finally she showed me the home that had just been handed to her.

Michelle has been a Methodist all her life. While her family has scattered to Europe, the United States and Canada, she remains in Haiti and though she says “the progress has been too slow” in rebuilding Haiti she continues to be faithful in finding a solution, It was a joy to be with her and  with fellow Methodists from the Americas and be fed by them in so many ways. The images that are part of this story have been arranged to illustrate this post. (1) Michelle listens (2) Michelle and her temporary shelter (3) The ew home next to the old – the former is in the background (4) another new home in Mellier – the ruins of the past still demonstrating what has been lost.

Tom Quenet


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